Protoclean: Leading in Certification Testing
It is the job of a certification company to report the results of the test procedures performed for AS BUILT or Installation Qualification (IQ), AT REST or Operational Qualification (OQ), AND IN OPERATION or Performance Qualification (PQ). The test standards referenced are ISO-14664-1 & 2 and IES RP-CC006.2. The following are tests conducted by PROTOCLEAN, INC.
Filter Bench Testing
Filter Challenge Integrity Leak Testing
Filter Integrity Testing with Ambient Air
Filter Air Velocities
Air Laminarity Testing
Room Integrity Testing
Room Particle Counts
Room Pressure Differentials
Containment Leakage Testing
Temperature and Humidity Readings
Lighting Readings
Noise Readings
Vibration Readings
ESD Surface Conductivity testing
Molecular Air and Surface Testing

All test results are recorded As-Built, At Rest, or In Operation (IQ, OQ & PQ) in the report and are valid at the time of testing.