Protoclean's Build-Clean Protocol Project
PROTOCLEAN, INC.’s site manager is instrumental in the delivery of the Build-Clean protocol project. The manager will oversee the monitoring, inspections, training, gown rooms, protocol reports, daily cleaning, supercleans, and supply management.
As required, perform off-site and on-site inspections on incoming materials and equipment. The protocol manager will consult with the customer on all inspections needing further action. PROTOCLEAN, INC.’s manager will assist the customer and the owner in scheduling protocol cleanings and oversee and maintain the following protocol requirements:
Provide administrative support to management and teams.
Provide badging control and personnel database.
Procure and provide all temporary protocol-related signage.
Provide protocol trainer.
Set training schedules to match construction schedules.
Complete training of all Contractor personnel.
Provide supervision for temporary entry and gown rooms.
Monitor equipment and material entry procedures.
Establish protocol for personnel.
Establish and maintain a violation database.
Control, specification, and placement of protocol signage.
Monitor the environment and maintain the database.
Define personnel and staffing levels.
Procure and manage all cleanroom and gowning consumable supplies.