Protoclean: Monitoring Clean Build Protocols
The build-clean protocol must start from the beginning of Level 1 to the completion of the project, and protocol must be taught on a continuous basis. Monitoring commences as soon as the interior building is protected from weather, permanent or temporary, and installations of return ducts, process piping, uni-strut, pipe hangers, etc., are started. It is critical that these installations be monitored for the build clean protocol requirements. Not only is it an assurance of cleanliness and limited fall-out in the operating cleanroom, but it also keeps the amount of labor required for the cleaning at a minimum and sets the protocol mindset from the beginning.
PROTOCLEAN, INC.’s success is due to limiting contamination from entering the building and limiting the turnover of personnel to meet the deadlines of the project. This is accomplished by limiting the number of entrances into the building and providing monitors at main building entrances and at staging areas prior to entry into the clean zone areas. Access to the clean zone areas is only with verifiable training.
The roaming field monitors continuously retrain the trade’s people in the field and provide documentation of the training in the field, limiting turnover and building a cleaner project. Proper training results in lower turnover for a more efficient project.
Monitor personnel entering the main building personnel entrance.
Monitor personnel entering the temporary material and equipment main building entrance.
Monitor personnel entering the temporary personnel clean zone entrance.
Monitor personnel entering the temporary material and equipment clean zone entrance.
Monitor personnel entering the temporary personnel interstitial entrance.
Monitor personnel entering the temporary material and equipment interstitial entrance.
Monitor personnel entering the temporary personnel Sub-Fab entrance.
Monitor personnel entering the temporary material and equipment Sub-Fab entrance.
FIELD MONITORS take the role of a teacher and listener. If a violator of protocol is observed, it is the duty of the monitor to ask if this was the method they were taught, if not, the reason for the change. The monitors must be open to change if it is a better method, as all will benefit. If it is a lack of understanding, the monitor may retrain the individual immediately. If they were not given the proper tools, or their supervisor requested the work be performed other than the requirements of protocol, a memo is issued to the supervisor for immediate correction and retraining of their employee.
Provide supervision for temporary entry and gown rooms.
Monitor the job site for protocol compliance on all cleanroom floor levels subject to the clean air stream.
Monitor the trades for protocol compliance on all cleanroom floor levels subject to the clean air stream.
The monitor will assist the supervisor in any way possible to get the proper tools and instruction. All flagrant and repeat violations are immediately addressed in a written warning. All warnings are given to the employee’s superior for corrective action. All written warnings must be maintained by the company name.
The monitor is responsible for tracking gross violators and companies with large numbers of violations. Again, the philosophy on build-clean projects is to retrain and retain the tradespeople build-clean techniques, as time is of the essence.